法鼓山108自在語 壹【如意吉祥】May you have Good Luck and Good Fortune

Let the doctor care for your disease. Let the bodhisattva care for your life. Once you do this you will become a healthy person with no worries.

People usually have no insight into themselves and consequently cause themselves unnecessary trouble.

The first important task in life is to learn to be a good and useful person.
Work with all your heart and mind to the best of your ability, according to what is required of you.

It is alright to express feelings in handling personal affairs, but you must use a principled approach in public matters.

Rather than fighting for something you cannot get, it is better to cherish and use what you already have.

Do not care about what is in the past or in the future, good or bad.It is best to care only about what is in the present.

If you truly let go of everything,then you can encompass everything and everything becomes yours.

In approaching a method of meditation,once you can pick it up, you can begin to exercise effort. With effort you can
-put down your thoughts. Progress lies within this picking up and putting down.

Don't measure yourself as high or low in comparison to others. Just work with all your heart and mind.

Nothing around you is either good or bad, but seems so according to how you look at it.

Do not care about what is in the past or in the future, good or bad.
It is best to care only about what is in the present.

If you truly let go of everything,then you can encompass everything and everything becomes yours.

In approaching a method of meditation,once you can pick it up, you can begin to exercise effort. With effort you can put down your thoughts. Progress lies 
-within this picking up and putting down.

Don't measure yourself as high or low in comparison to others. Just work with all your heart and mind.

Nothing around you is either good or bad, but seems so according to how you look at it.

Once the dust from a catastrophe has settled, you reach a critical point where positive thinking can begin and important lessons can be learned.

With no greed and no grasping,you can maintain your dignity and be unaffected by others.

If you can cherish causes and conditions as they transpire from moment to moment, then each moment is unique.

If you put your "self" in everything,then you have problems and trouble.
Remove "self" concern with gain and loss and you will achieve liberation.

Happiness does not derive from how famous you are or how much money you have; rather it is a measure of inner peace and contentment with few desires.

Let words reflect deeds. Let a true mind speak true words. Let a good heart speak good words. This is true eloquence.

We may be ordinary sentient beings, but we should shoulder our responsibilities and let go of our attachments as best we can.

When you are busy, don't feel overwhelmed. When there is nothing to do, don't feel bored. In this way you will not be swayed by every turn in life and be utterly lost.

Don't get carried away when the sailing is smooth; don't lose heart and give up when the boat starts to toss and turn.

A narrow mind and insatiable greed will deprive even the wealthy of happiness.

Advance your life in simplicity.Shine in difficulty.

Seek abundance in calm and stability;See dignity in adversity.

Keeping your emotions steady is the foundation of unobstructed success.