法鼓山108自在語 壹【自在人生】Living a Life of Freedom

 1. 謙下尊上,是菩薩行者的重要功課。

Be humble to those below and respectful to those above. Bodhisattva practitioners, study this well!

2. 用奉獻代替爭取,以惜福代替享福。

Contribute rather than compete. Use what you have been given wisely,

and don't squander your good fortune.

3. 自愛愛人,愛一切眾生;自救救人,救一切眾生。

Love yourself, love others, love all sentient beings; liberate yourself,

liberate others, liberate all sentient beings.

4. 利他,是不求果報及回饋的清淨心。

Benefiting others takes a pure mind that seeks neither reward nor return.

5. 佔有、奉獻都是愛,但有自利和利人的差別;佔有是自我貪取的私愛,

Love is involved in what you own and what you give to others, but the

difference between helping yourself and helping others is that one is a selfdirected,

possessive love; the other is a selfless, joyous, generous love.

6. 道理是拿來要求自己,不是用來苛求他人。

Demand right-minded conduct of yourself, do not use it as an excuse to harshly criticize others.

7. 要有當別人墊腳石的心量,要有成就他人的胸襟。

Have the breadth of mind to serve as the stepping stone for another; be the

kind of person that truly helps others to be successful.

8. 讓人產生誤解,就是自己的不是。

If you let other people misunderstand you, it's nobody's fault but your own.

9. 做事時多為別人想一想,犯錯時多對自己看一看。

When you work with others, consider their needs. When you make a mistake,

 reflect upon your own conduct.

10. 以禮讓對方來成就自我,以尊重

Set others before you to complete yourself, respect others to put an end

to enmity, praise others to encourage harmony.

11. 放不下自己是沒有智慧,放不下他人是沒有慈悲。

Unable to let go of attachment to self? No wisdom. Unable to let go of attachment to others? No compassion.

12. 與人相遇,一聲「我為你祝福!」就能贏得友誼,獲得平安。

Say "Blessings to you" when you meet another. This spreads good  

will and brings peace and calm.

13. 對人付出友誼,伸出援手,就是在散發和樂平安的光芒。
Offer friendship and a helping hand to others, and so be a beacon of harmony, happiness, peace and calm.

14. 少點口舌少是非,多點真誠多平安。

Gossip less and you will have fewer disputes; be more truthful and sincere

 and you will have more peace and calm.

15. 肯定自己的優點是自信,瞭解自己的缺點是成長,善解他人的立場是尊重。
Self confidence is recognizing your strong points; growth is knowing
your weaknesses; respect is understanding another's position.

16. 要把眾生的幸福提起,要把自我的成就放下。
Concern yourself with the happiness of others; downplay your own achievements.

17. 與下屬共事,當以關懷代替責備,以勉勵代替輔導,以商量代替命令。
In dealing with those under you:show concern rather than reproach;give encouragement rather than
direction; discuss rather than command.

18. 剛強者傷人不利己,柔忍者和眾必自安。
The obstinate afflict others and do themselves no good; the tolerant accord with others and bring peace
to themselves.

19. 安人者必然是和眾者,服人者必然是柔忍者,因為和能合眾,柔能克剛。
If you want to bring peace to others, be in harmony with them. If you wish to sway others, be accommodating. To establish harmony is to unite people, as the soft can conquer the hard.

20. 生命的意義在不斷的學習與奉獻之中,成就了他人,也成長了自己。
The meaning of life lies in continuous learning and giving of oneself; help others to succeed and you will grow.

21. 有智慧作分寸的人,一定不會跟人家喋喋不休。
One with wisdom and restraint will never engage in frivolous chatter.

22. 和和氣氣與人相處,平平安安日子好過。
Be polite and friendly when dealing with others, and you will pass all of your days in peace and tranquility.

23. 聰明的人,不一定有智慧,愚魯的人,不一定沒有智慧;智慧不等於知識,而是對人處事的態度。
An intelligent person is not necessarily wise; a dull-witted person not necessarily foolish. Wisdom is not the
same as knowledge; the difference lies in your attitude in dealing with people.

24. 為他人減少煩惱是慈悲,為自己減少煩惱是智慧。
Reduce others' vexations with compassion; reduce your own with wisdom.

25. 不要拿自己的鞋子叫別人穿,也不要把別人的問題變成自己的問題。
Just as you would not ask others to wear your own shoes, don't make someone else's problems your own.