法鼓山108自在語 壹【平安人生】Living Peacefully and Calmly

55. 生命的意義是為了服務,生活的價值是為了奉獻
 The meaning of life lies in serving; the value of life in giving.

56. 人生的目標,是來受報、還願、發願的
 The aim of life is to receive karmic retribution, fulfill vows, and make new one.

57. 人的價值,不在壽命的長短,而在貢獻的大小
 The value of life is not in duration but in contributeon.

58. 過去已成虛幻,未來尚是夢想,把握現在最重要
 The past is an illusion; the future, a dream; the present, essential.

59. 不用牽掛過去,不必擔心未來,踏實於現在,就與過去和未來同在
 There is no need to dwell in the past, no necessity to worry about the future:
 the enduring present holds both past and future.

60. 智慧,不是知識、不是經驗、不是思辯,而是超越自我中心的態度
 Wisdom is not simply knowledge, nor experience, nor idle speculation;
 it is an attitude that transcends self-centeredness.

61. 積極人生,謙虛滿分;自我愈大,不安愈多
 Great accomplishment – complete humility; big ego – great insecurity.

62. 上等人安心於道,中等人安心於事,下等人安心於名利物欲
 The superior settle their minds upon the Way;
 the average busy themselves with day to day living;
 the small-minded pursue fame, fortune and desire.

63. 你是有哪些身分的人,就應該做那些身份的事
 You have a particular role and responsibility in life; act accordingly.

64. 在安定和諧中,把握精彩的今天,走出新鮮的明天
 In calmness and tranquility make good use of this wondrous day! Tomorrow will shine!

65. 擔心,是多餘的折磨;用心,是安全的動力
 Worry causes needless injury! Mindfulness brings securety.

66. 財富如流水,布施如挖井。井愈深,水愈多;布施的愈多,財富則愈大
 Wealth is like flowing water, and giving like the digging of a well.
 Dig deeper and more water flows in; give more and wealth multiplies.

67. 面對生活,要有「最好的準備,最壞的打算」
 Live life this way; the best plan anticipates the worst scenario.

68. 只要還有一口呼吸在,就有無限的希望,就是最大的財富
 Even with a single breath remaining, hope is unlimited, and that is untold wealth.

69. 救苦救難的是菩薩,受苦受難的是大菩薩
 A bodhisattva saves others from hardship and suffering;
 a great bodhisattva takes on hardship and suffering itself.

70. 超越生老病苦三原則: 活得快樂、病得健康、老得有希望
 Three principles to transcend the suffering of birth, sickness and old age:
 a happy life, a healthy attitude towards sickness, hope in old age.

71. 超越死亡三原則: 不要尋死、不要怕死、不要等死
 Three principles to transcend death: don’t seek it, don’t fear it, don’t wait for it.

72. 死亡不是喜事,也不是喪事,而是一件莊嚴的佛事
 Death is neither a happy event nor a cause for mourning,
 but a call to practice our faith seriously.

73. 每一個孩子,都是幫助父母成長的小菩薩
 Every child is a little Bodhisattva that helps his or her parents grow.

74. 對於青少年,要關心不要擔心,要誘導不要控制,用商量不用權威
 With teenagers: use care, not worry; guidance,
 not control; communication, not authority.

75. 愛你的孩子,與其擔心,不如祝福吧
 To truly love your children,
 give them your blessings rather than burden them with your worry!

76. 夫妻是倫理的關係,不是「論理」的關係
 A couple’s relationship should be based on mutual respect, not argument.

77. 能不亂丟垃圾,隨時清撿垃圾,都是做的功德
 Stop the litter, clutter and garbage! Always clean up and pick up
 what you can. These are virtuous acts.

78. 眼光,是你的智慧;運氣,是你的福德
 Insight comes from wisdom; good fortune, from merit.

79. 喜愛的就想佔有,討厭的就會排斥,患得患失,煩惱就來了
 We love to grasp what we love and reject what we dislike; gain and loss,
 gain and loss – vexations are sure to come.

80. 經常少欲知足的人,才是無虞匱乏的富人
 Having few desires bring riches without worry.

81. 心不平安是真正的苦,身體的病痛不一定是苦
 True suffering is a mind without peace or calm.
 Physical pain and illness are not necessarily suffering.

82. 明知心不平安是苦事,就趕快以持念「南無觀世音菩薩」來安心吧
 Know clearly that an unsettled mind is trouble.
 Right then and there – recite “Homage to Guan Yin,
 Bodhisattva Avalokitesavara” to calm your mind.

83. 現在擁有的,就是最好的。擁有再多也無法滿足,就等於窮人
 A rich man is content with what he has;
 a poor man accumulates and is never satisfied.

     Don’t control emotions by suppressing them;
     calm them with contemplation, reciting Buddha’s name, or prayer.