法鼓山108自在語 壹【享受工作】Enjoying work

  1. 忙而不亂,累而不疲
    Busy but not in disarray; tired but not worn out.

  2. 忙得快樂,累得歡喜
    Be happy being busy. Even when you’re tired, be joyful.

  3. 「忙」沒關係,不「煩」就好
    Busy? No matter. No vexation. All is well.

  4. 工作要趕不要急,身心要鬆不要緊
    Work quickly, not anxiously; mind and body relaxed and unbound.

  5. 應該忙中有序的趕工作,不要緊張兮兮的搶時間
    Finish your work quickly, but in an orderly manner; 
    don’t become nervous trying to compete with time itself.

  6. 不要以富貴貧賤論成敗得失,只要能盡心盡力來自利利人
    Don’t measure success and failure by wealth or poverty;
    work only to benefit yourself and others with all your heart and strength.

  7. 任勞者必堪任怨,任事者必遭批評。怨言之下有慈忍,批評之中藏金玉
    Work hard and others may resent you, take up a task and risk criticism;
    compassion lies within harsh words, treasure buried deep within criticism.

  8. 隨遇而安,隨緣奉獻
    Be at ease in all encounters; give of yourself, as conditions permit.

  9. 成功的三步曲是:隨順因緣、把握因緣、創造因緣
    The three acts of success: accord with causes and conditions,
    act decisively when they arise, shape the future.

  10. 見有機緣宜把握,沒有機緣要營造,機緣未熟不強求
    Seize opportunity when it arises, create it when it doesn’t exist;
    but when the time is not ripe, don’t take unnecessary action.

  11. 人生的起起落落,都是成長的經驗
    Life’s ups and downs are the stuff of growth and development.

  12. 以智慧處理事,以慈悲關懷人
    Do what you have to do with wisdom; treat people with care and compassion.

  13. 以智慧時時修正偏差,以慈悲處處給人方便
    When you are off balance, always right yourself with wisdom,
    everywhere you go, use compassion to make life easy for others.

  14. 慈悲心愈重,智慧愈高,煩惱也就愈少
    Deep wisdom, great compassion: few vexations.

  15. 面對許多情況,只管用智慧處理事,
    Face whatever is in front of you, act with wisdom, treat people with compassion;
    forget benefit, harm, gain, and loss, and vexations will diminish.

  16. 心隨境轉是凡夫;境隨心轉是聖賢
    An ordinary mind bends to circumstances; a sage mind transforms circumstances.

  17. 大鴨游出大路,小鴨游出小路,不游就沒有路
    Big duck swims, big wake; little duck swims, little wake. No duck in the water? No wake at all.

  18. 山不轉路轉,路不轉人轉,人不轉心轉
    Can’t move the mountain? Build a road! Road blocked? Start climbing! Can’t climb? Shift your mind!

  19. 「精進」不等於拚命,而是努力不懈
    True diligence doesn’t mean placing your life at risk. It is simply unwavering persistence.

  20. 船過水無痕,鳥飛不留影,成敗得失都不會引起心情的波動,那就是自在解脫的大智慧
    A boat passes, its wake disappears; a bird flies, its shadow departs.
    Whether you gain or lose, succeed or fail – emotions do not stir:
    this is the great wisdom of freedom and liberation.

  21. 給人方便等於給自己方便
    Making life easier for others is making your life easier for yourself.

  22. 甘願吃明虧,是仁者;受辱吃暗虧,是愚蠢
    The noble one suffers mistreatment willingly; the fool is humiliated by what he suffers.

  23. 壓力通常來自對身外事物過於在意,同時也過於在意他人的評斷
    Pressure usually comes from too much concern with what we encounter around us well as how people judge us.

  24. 用感恩心、用報恩的心,來做服務的工作,便不會感到倦怠與疲累
    Serve others with a mind of gratitude and reciprocity and you will be neither tired nor weary.

  25. 隨時隨地心存感激,以財力、體力、智慧、心力,來做一切的奉獻
    Help others with the strength of your mind and body,
    with your wealth and wisdom – always and everywhere with a thankful mind.