法鼓山108自在語 壹【提昇人品】Becoming a good human being

  1. 需要的不多,想要的太多
    Our needs are few; our wants many.

  2. 知恩報恩為先,利人便是利己
    What is most important is to be grateful for what you’ve been given and
    repay in kind-to benefit others is to benefit ourselves.

  3. 盡心盡力第一,不爭你我多少
    Do your utmost – no matter who gains or loses.

  4. 慈悲沒有敵人,智慧不起煩惱
    Compassion has no enemies; wisdom, no vexations.

  5. 忙人時間最多,勤勞健康最好
    The busiest bave the most time; the diligent, the best health.

  6. 布施的人有福,行善的人快樂
    The charitable are blessed; the virtuous, happy.

  7. 心量要大,自我要小
    Let the measure of your heart be great; the size of your ego, small.

  8. 要能放下,才能提起。提放自如,是自在人
    When you can let it go, then you can pick it up.
    At ease letting it go or picking it up-then your are truly free.

  9. 識人識己識進退,時時身心平安;知福惜福多培福,處處廣結善緣
    Know yourself, know others; know when to advance,
    when to retreat; at all times maintain peace and equanimity in body and mind;
    know your blessings, use them wisely, strive to increase them;
    everywhere you go develop deep virtuous affinity with others.

  10. 提得起放得下,年年吉祥如意;用智慧種福田,日日都是好日
    Able to pick it up and let it go, every year good fortune will surely follow;
    sow a field of blessings with wisdom, then everyday is good day!

  11. 身心常放鬆,逢人面帶笑;放鬆能使我們身心健康,帶笑容易增進彼此友誼
    Always keep your body and mind relaxed and meet everyone with a smile;
    relaxation makes your mind and body healthy,
    and a smile gathers friends and friendship.

  12. 話到口邊想一想,講話之前慢半拍。不是不說,而是要惜言慎語
    About to speak? Think for a moment. Slow your speech a bit.
    It’s not that you should not speak,
    but rather that you should cherish what you say and choose your words with care.

  13. 在生活中,不妨養成「能有,很好;沒有,也沒關係」的想法,
    In daily living it is better to think: “fine if I can have it, no matter if I can’t”;
    thus transform suffering to joy and live a life of serenity.

  14. 四安:安心、安身、安家、安業
    The four contentments; mind at peace, body at rest, family in harmony,
    all enterprise at ease.

  15. 四要:需要、想要、能要、該要
    When you wish for something, ask yourself these four questions;
    Is it needed? Is it wanted? Is it obtainable? Is it advisable?

  16. 四感:感恩、感謝、感化、感動
    The four attitudes to take towards others:
    grateful, thankful, transforming, inspiriting.

  17. 四它:面對它、接受它、處理它、放下它
    The four steps in dealing with any problem:
    face it, accept it, deal with it, let it go.

  18. 四福:知福、惜福、培福、種福
    The four keys to good fortune: know what you are blessed with,
    cherish it, help it grow, and plant seeds for future blessings.

  19. 能要、該要的才要,不能要、不該要的絕對不要
    If possible and permissible, seek after it;
    if impossible and forbidden, keep away from it.

  20. 感恩能使我們成長,報恩能助我們成就
    With gratitude we grow; repayment of kindness leads to success.

  21. 感謝給我們機會,順境、逆境皆是恩人
    Be thankful at every opportunity: good and bad fortune are both allies.

    22. 遇到好事,要隨喜、讚歎、鼓勵,並且虛心學習。

    Rejoice when you encounter good,praise it, encourage it to spread;
    take care to learn with an open mind.

    23. 少批評、多讚美,是避免造口業的好方法。

    More praise and less criticism ! Cut down the karma that comes from what you say.

    24. 平常心就是最自在、最愉快的心。

    An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost freedom, utmost joy.

    25. 踏實地走一步路,勝過說一百句空洞的漂亮語。

    A true step on the path merits more than a hundred shallow words adorned with tinsel.

    26. 知道自己的缺點愈多,成長的速度愈快,對自己的信心也就愈堅定。

    The more you come to know your weaknesses, the faster you will grow,

    with your self-confidence unwavering

    27. 多聽多看少說話,快手快腳慢用錢。

    Look more, listen more; speak less, act fast; spend slow.

    28. 唯有體驗了艱苦的境遇,才會有精進奮發的心。

    Only after you encounter affliction and adversity will you summon the mind of diligence.

    29. 踏踏實實做人,心胸要廣大;穩穩當當做事,著眼宜深遠。

    Be solid and forthright; have a great open heart; be sure and steady in accomplishment,
    with vision 
    penetrating and far-reaching.